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Release and Assumption of Risk

I acknowledge that hazards are inherent in all activities, including without limitation skiing, snowboarding, canoeing, biking, hiking, international travel, and other activities.  I acknowledge that I am in good health and able to participate without health problems in strenuous activities at high altitude and have read or will read the Roanoke Ski & Adventure Club’s (“RSAC”) Trip Guidelines and Policies located on the RSAC’s website, including the Mobility and Fitness to Travel statement, before signing up for any RSAC trips.  Therefore, in consideration of the benefits derived from my membership in the RSAC, I waive any claim for, and assume all risk of, damage, injury, or loss to person or property, arising from or relating to my membership in the RSAC and my participation in RSAC activities.  I release and discharge the RSAC and its officers, directors, members and agents from any claims, damages, losses, or costs which I may ever have arising from or relating to my participation in the RSAC.  I agree to abide and be bound by the RSAC Code of Conduct found on the Membership page of the RSAC website. This agreement shall not be subject to any claim of mistake of fact, and regardless of the adequacy of the consideration, this agreement is intended to avoid future litigation and to be final and complete.

Roanoke Ski & Adventure Club PO Box 20965 Roanoke, VA 24018


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