Carvins Cove Hike

  • November 12, 2023
  • 1:00 PM
  • Hanging Rock / Timberview Road

Carvin's Cove Hike 

Sunday, November 12th at 1:00 pm

David Oliver will lead us to the lake and back which is about 2.5 miles round trip. Afterwards, anyone interested can go to the Parkway Brewery. It’s just down the road a couple of miles. 

Meet at Hanging Rock/Timberview Road

The Trailhead parking lot is not very big, so car-pooling is encouraged.  


Call David if you responded but can't come. That way. he won't be waiting at the trailhead for you.  540 682 9135

Roanoke Ski & Adventure Club PO Box 20965 Roanoke, VA 24018                  


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