Membership Meeting - March

  • March 15, 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Hidden Valley Country Club

 Roanoke Ski and Adventure Club logo


Join fellow members to celebrate St Patrick's Day complete with
green beer, beads and a traditional meal.

Hidden Valley Country Club
2500 Romar Rd
Salem, VA 24153
Wednesday, March 15
5:30 pm

The program will feature Sean  Bryant from

Roanoke Mountain Adventures

Sean Bryant has been guiding and running adventure programing for the last 14 years. Before working for Roanoke Mountain Adventures, he was the Director of Operations and Director of Activities at Wilderness Adventure at Eagle Landing. At RMA he runs the rental and guided outings. 

Sean will be presenting information about RMA's e-bikes and e-bike tours.  He will discuss the various types of e-bikes and their benefits and how best to try them out or purchase them from RMA.  

To attend RSVP see your email 2/26/23.

Cut off for RSVP is 3/9/23.

Please remember that we rely on your RSVP’s to give the venue a headcount so they can prepare enough food for our group.  If Members arrive without RSVP’ing, there may not be enough food for everyone.  Therefore, Members who show up without registering by the cutoff date may attend the event and purchase drinks, but will be excluded from partaking in any food that the venue has prepared based on our headcount.

Please put the March 9th cutoff date in your calendar.
Sorry but no late registrations!

Roanoke Ski & Adventure Club PO Box 20965 Roanoke, VA 24018                  


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